Stratford Festival Reviews Website
C.L.Shoemaker writes for the Stratford Festival Review, delving into her love for theatre and festival design. She's worked with Bard on the Beach (Vancouver), The Stratford Festival of Canada (Stratford) and multiple community theatres. Shoemaker has also presented literature and theatre papers at the Stratford Festival's Shakespeare Theatre Conference (2019), University of Waterloo, York University, TWU, University of Ottawa, and University of Alberta.
Articles Include:
“Accessible Shakespeare: How Bard on the Beach Offers Artists, Educators and Students Free Workshops” (Summer 2020).
“Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On”: Exploring the Stratford Festival Archives” (Summer 2019).
“Chris Abraham’s Macbeth at Bard on the Beach: Murder, Mayhem and Toxic Masculinity” (Aug 2018).
“Should You Introduce Your Five-Year-Old to Shakespeare?” (Oct 2018).